Request an enrolment code for Murupara Medical Centre

You can request an enrolment code for Murupara Medical Centre here.

An enrolment code given by Murupara Medical Centre is required to enrol as a patient. If you have been sent a message with a link by Murupara Medical Centre, you can use the link instead of requesting an enrolment code here.

What is your last name?

What is your email address?

The practice will use this to contact you.

When were you born?

Enter your birth date in numeric format.
For example, 13 11 1987

Why would you like to enrol with Murupara Medical Centre?

Different practices have different criteria for letting patients enrol. In general, practices are more likely to allow you to enrol if you meet certain criteria such as being from a particular area or having a family member who is already enrolled as a patient with the practice.

In your message you should explain any such connection to the practice. The practice will use this information to make a decision.

You should provide as many details as you can, such as the full names of any family members already enrolled with Murupara Medical Centre.